Responsibility in the Financial Projection of Hotels
The importance of being taken seriously If there’s one sector where everything seems to fit into Excel, it’s the hotel industry. In recent years, we have seen, in terms
Go Wellness and Sustainable or Go Home
From our little vantage point, we’ve been very insensitive to buzzwords, to the trendiest things over the years. We have always observed and rejected the tendency to talk abo
10 Habits of Highly Ineffective People
(Not all of them, just some of the more annoying ones.) The habits of highly effective people have already been well studied by Stephen R. Covey. The habits of highly ineffective p
The growth of interest rates and what to do about it
Since we joined the Eurozone, we have been enjoying much more affordable interest rates in Portugal. So much more affordable that, from time to time, we forget that the money banks
“The Finance Function – Most Observed Gaps”
In Portugal, the practice observed regarding the financial management of companies continues to be marked, in my opinion, by questionable principles that largely justify why we can
Do you Know The Difference Between a Business Plan & Wishful Thinking?
A former boss of mine often repeated a very interesting expression: “informed guess” or as the Anglo-Saxons say, and you have certainly heard: “educated guess”. In the cont
Business Plan – a Real Tool or an Excel Chart that accepts everything?
Periodically, over the years, I went through the difficult path inherent to the cycle of adjustments and simulations of a Business Plan. The common tendency for a decision maker
The Noise Regulation – in Life and Finance
One thing that never ceases to surprise us is that, in general, spaces linked to hospitality, even some with a high positioning and price, pay very little attention to the noise an
Finances, War, the Cicada and the Ant by Jean de La Fontaine.
On a business context, we learned long ago that it is important to live below our capabilities. Use times of peace to prepare for times of war. Create alternatives for less good ti
Time is Money and a Priority in This New Year
Relying on our vast experience in negotiating with the financial system, we have the idea that the banking sector has two very different ways of working with companies: • On the