Hospitality is a Peculiar Business
Peculiar because it generates, above all, “interpersonal” relationships and all the service it provides must be, in the first place, a constant act of “giving”.
We “sell” hospitality and this is an art that translates into providing a service that evolves every day and that daily requires professional support that benefits from a lot of “inner” wisdom, guiding the necessary evolution over the months and years.
We often witness the mistake of owners/investors in devaluing the work of qualified professionals who unfortunately, for years, have fallen into a legal vacuum. I confess that perhaps this professional liberalization would make perfect sense if most entrepreneurs had a holistic view of it and made the right decision to “learn” and delegate with humility to those who have this wisdom and talent to manage and operate hotels and, who, in the end, get their return on investment.
This is not the business for “investors” to aim for a “Yield” of more than 8%/year, either because it is fashionable to own a hotel, or for other reasons.
Whoever invests in a new hotel, or in its requalification, invests in an authentic legacy whose mission is to value the authenticity of the place, customs, and traditions, offer a true hospitality service consistent with a differentiating and preferably innovative concept that is created by a set of professionals and business partners, and then implemented and tested by professionals who are up to the challenge. This business is for those who want and like to be “at the service” of others, constantly.
We are witnessing new ways of being that are intertwined with this peculiar business. One of them is ESG Management, which shows the path that all hospitality units should take in order to have a more sustainable and socially responsible return on investment. Financial returns are inevitable for those who entrust their hotel business to this path and to qualified professionals with proven experience.
We have a lot of “homework” to do in our offer so that demand is not defrauded by so much Marketing from the “Best Destination in the World”.
There is an urgent need for a change in the “mindset” in the business framework and for greater coherence in terms of common objectives between the public and private sectors.
Ana Cristina Beatriz
New Business & Projects Manager
ABC Sustainable Luxury Hospitality
Proudly Ambassador
Global Wellness Institute
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