The New “Fuel” for the World Economy

The covid-19 pandemic is clearly the great catalyst for this new cycle that combines artificial intelligence with environmental technologies, shaping the development of capitalism.

Accepting the digital is the main requirement for walking towards “green” and for a more sustainable world, ending the “buzzword” around it and turning it into reality.

We all know that today we must do something for the sake of natural resources, but also for the sake of our own mental and physical “sanity”.

In one of the exclusive conferences for ambassadors at the Global Wellness Institute, the theme launched by Thierry Malleret was: “Nature Capital” and relies on the fact that Nature is currently the biggest and most luxurious asset. Investing in Nature, and “quantifying it financially”, is already a concern of many companies that work seriously in the area of “Wellness”.

It is essential for human beings and society to perceive the “value” of this great asset that teaches us so much.

More than a reason / requirement to receive funding from the EU, this issue needs to be approached by each one of us, especially the great leaders, as crucial for the well-being of societies in the world.

Investing in agriculture is clearly one of the emerging sectors where ecology and information technologies come together on behalf of a better life in which the circular economy is crucial.

All of these themes are common in the hotel projects that we manage and it is really gratifying to be able to see several good examples and happenings that support a path that has already started and which is now confirmed.

Our projects play an important role in raising awareness among many, making the necessary abundance for the Whole possible.

Hospitality and tourism are crucial in our economy and as such we have a duty to engage in the “Green Wave” as soon as possible, supporting the urgent requalification of many of the units we have throughout this country, including in large cities, as the demand for change is more than clearly.

“Purposeful” tourism is much more responsible.

Ana Cristina Beatriz
New Business & Projects Manager
ABC Sustainable Luxury Hospitality

CEO & New Business Manager | Key Traits: Inspiration, Leadership, Pro-activity

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