What does Wellness Hospitality really means?

ABC Sustainable Luxury Hospitality creates hotel units in which wellness is understood as an integrative asset:

Meaning that the hospitality unit is designed and created in the most genuine and authentic way, based on its Portuguese identity, considering both the historical and local features, creating a concept that involves strategic partnerships in which well-being is truly felt and experienced throughout all unit’s department.

We frequently update ourselves either through specific training or through the reading of studies that are launch daily in the different training webinars for the GWI (Global Wellness Institute) ambassadors. We participate in retreats, experiencing the daily practices, a choice that starts in each one of us and that strengthens us as a team.

We welcome, bring together, and test several national and international partners from the most varied areas of well-being to integrate the concepts of our units as we believe that Our hotels are important “vehicles” for awakening and/or maintaining the importance of daily rituals that improve the emotional, physical, and mental state of all of those who choose to stay there, and that are a successful reality throughout the world.

In the book “The Wellness Asset for Hospitality”, to which we have contributed, we have the definition of a wellness hotel right in the beginning:

“This concept works because it is handled holistically and is an integral part of the guest experience; it covers all aspects of the business, from each and every aspect of the property itself, to the offer, to the people, to the values, culture and mentality of hoteliers. It consists of many small but significant details that, when thought through in a structured and pondered way, influence how our guests sleep, the experience of what they eat, how to interact with the team and with the local community that welcomes them. We know we impact the guest during and after their stay, which is translated into good loyalty rates and referrals. “

Well-being comprises the essence of our business. It is part of our brand’s DNA.

Investing on this concept is highly profitable because by combining a greater purpose with a business we achieve the financial return in a more efficient and abundant way.

In addition to the excellent indicators of average price per room and per meal and occupancy, in our operation maps, we carry out several other types of income (with very low investment costs) that we would never be able to implement in a traditional and poorly conceived unit.

“Wellness” is the new luxury and, as such, consumers are more attentive and ready to buy services that enhance their health & well-being.

These hotel units can and should be “created” or upgraded in any location, especially in large cities that will benefit both guests and the local community.

It is a truly pleasure and great satisfaction for ABC Hospitality to be able to create and “guide” investors in the construction of hospitality units that rely on this integrated concept so that Portugal can be on the Wellness map with products that really make a difference due to their genuineness and truth.

Ana Cristina Beatriz
New Business & Projects Manager
ABC Sustainable Luxury Hospitality

CEO & New Business Manager | Key Traits: Inspiration, Leadership, Pro-activity

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